Catholic League President: “Jews Had Better Not Make Enemies Of Their Catholic Friends”

Posted by admin on June 20, 2012as , ,

Catholic League President: “Jews Had Better Not Make Enemies Of Their Catholic Friends”

via Catholic League President: “Jews Had Better Not Make Enemies Of Their Catholic Friends”.

Catholic League president Bill Donahue and Rabbi Arthur Waskow flamed one another over Waskow’s criticism of the Vatican and the U. S. Council of Catholic Bishops in a Huffington Post Op-ed. Waskow accuses them of “attacking the religious freedom of millions of American Women” in a Huffington Post Op-ed. I agree with Waskow, but what the hell? Aren’t there enough flames in the history of the International Jewish Conspiracy and the Church? Crusades, inquisitions, crucifixions—what are you going to do? The Church has tortured our mothers and fathers, stolen our babies, reduced us time and again to the dismal poverty of perpetual pariahs cooped into stinking ghettos; we killed their god.  Shit happens.  Let the past be the past, and bygones be bygones.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t yell at one another from time to time, especially in instances when American taxpayers are expected to foot the bill for certain institutions that seek to deprive American citizens of their legal rights. Somebody has got to complain about that. It’s not a good thing.
But there’s no need for threats.

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